posts tagged: OR


      NewportThis is Pulp Fiction kind of blog. Starting at the end to wind around to the beginning   It is 5:25 p.m. and I am holed up in a hotel named The Row. A perfect name for … Keep Reading…

Rut-roaming in Oregon

Good day my dear readers, When last we met, we were in the throws of moving. Well, guess what! We are still in the throws of moving but there is light the end of our tunnel. Hot off the press…I … Keep Reading…


We hit the wall and decided to take a trip to the ocean, which I miss dearly. With great purpose, we made plans to travel to Newport, OR for a few days of rest, solitude and beach walking if I … Keep Reading…

Installment Three – The Rest of the Way

How many blogs have I authored?  It feels like thousands at this point.  Not even 500, truth be told.  So why the heck can’t I get my pictures where I want them on my posts?  I fear an update.  Oh, lord. … Keep Reading…

To Astoria and Back

For several days this week, we have been living in convection oven…hot, hot, hot with a breeze.  Are we done yet?  Are we baked all the way through?  Where is that cake tester? Happily, we made it by staying inside … Keep Reading…

Writing the SHIP

Today I purchased something I never knew I needed until I signed up for The Writer’s Conference that will be presented this year, not in person, but on Zoom.  The organizers said I really needed a selfie light and I … Keep Reading…