About Dianna Jackson

What you need to know about me is that I enjoy writing. And I’m getting old so I need to record stuff earlier (read right away) before it’s forgotten. The other thing is, I’m married to a very funny guy (whether he knows it or not). So he gives me lots of material. Finally, you need to know that we travel now and then and so most of my blogs revolve around all the silly things that happen when we are placed outside our normal habitat. Having said that, we also have funny things happen at home or around home. I write about them too. Hope you enjoy the stories as much as I enjoy telling them.

Because I love to blog, I decided to write books too. My self-published book From Artichokes to Nairobi[ was my first book and it available today on Amazon. My book that is coming out very soon is entitled From Beloit to Clark Gable in Three Generations and it is a family history spanning the years of 1847 to 1974. In it, I trace my great-great-grandfather’s trip to California in 1850. Literally, I traced his route and incorporated my trip with his!

Quick Info

  • Name: Dianna Jackson
  • From: Paso Robles, California / USA
  • Lives: Portland, Oregon
  • Addiction: Traveling, Cooking, and Writing
