posts from category: Skinny house


We hit the wall and decided to take a trip to the ocean, which I miss dearly. With great purpose, we made plans to travel to Newport, OR for a few days of rest, solitude and beach walking if I … Keep Reading…


Recalls happen. Just so happens we have two recalls. One for the Honda and one for a neighborhood. Let me expound. Before I expound, this is a blog I forgot to publish. A bit dated, Feb. 13 to be exact. … Keep Reading…

Hiccups Happen

      We sold our lovely home in Morro Bay and this set off a chain of events. Morro Bay was in the 60-degree range with a slight breeze as we backed down the driveway. And away we went. … Keep Reading…

Dragon Boat Races and other Delights

It’s Saturday.  Overcast.  Warmish.  And I feel like blogging. With fear and trepidation in his heart, Rayman agreed to take mass transit into downtown Portland to see the Dragon Boat Races today.  We have never done that before.  Our virgin … Keep Reading…

A Dish to Die For

Perhaps it is time for me to wax poetic.  No funny stuff…just heartfelt feeling expressed in dramatic and artistic form for my dear readers. As the Rayman is engaged (actively) with the dishes, I find my hands free so I’m … Keep Reading…

Running Around

Fuzzy picture.  Sorry. The week started off on the 4th.  July 4th…the night of fireworks and the day at the cabin at the base of Mt. Hood.  It was so fun with family and doggies.  And music and impromptu dancing … Keep Reading…