posts from category: At Home


We hit the wall and decided to take a trip to the ocean, which I miss dearly. With great purpose, we made plans to travel to Newport, OR for a few days of rest, solitude and beach walking if I … Keep Reading…

North by Northwest

As most of my readers are aware, we are moving to Portland, Oregon in January.The house is in escrow and ever since that event a few days ago, the ghosts are wreaking havoc. In one night, two light bulbs blew. … Keep Reading…

Basements of Life

Do you wonder what lurks in the crevices of your garage?  or attic?  or basement?  CA doesn’t do basements too much but I had the good fortune of having grandparents that had a basement. It was dank, dark, foreboding. And … Keep Reading…

Paddling My Ass Off

Good day, dear readers.   . Boy, did I have a weekend.  Think of it.  Me in a dragon boat on Morro Bay as it rained, a snow storm having just blown through.  And a surfing contest on the other … Keep Reading…

A Very Fun Morning

Who of us knows how the day is going to go until we swing our legs off the mattress, get out of bed, and run into the day. Will it be a good day?  What could wrong?  What’s on the … Keep Reading…

Serendipity Strikes

Yesterday a.m. I pulled myself out of bed, grabbed some coffee, and decided to work on my book.  It was just this last Thursday that my writing class critiqued my first 20 pages, double spaced of my budding masterpiece of … Keep Reading…