posts from category: Traveling

Missing The View

No, I’m not referencing that program on TV with Whippy Goldberg.  The ride from Healdsburg to Eureka is my reference here.   As those of you following our shenanigans, you know we drove to Healdsburg and held my birthday party … Keep Reading…

Hallucinations in Healdsburg

We flew the coop on May 29th and bucked headwinds from King City to Gilroy.  The trees were bent 45 degrees downward, as the wind whipped their branches discouraging any bird from landing.  Doubt those trees in the Salinas Valley … Keep Reading…

How Did We Meet?

Several years ago, we took a trip to NZ.  The trip included the making of new friends.  Jim and Mari from Minnesota.  Since that trip, Jim and Mari have made a point of visiting us here in Morro Bay.  Twice.  … Keep Reading…

First Trip and We’re Trippin”

First Trip and We’re “Trippin”       With two shots into our arms, we decided to get the wood ceilings in our house painted.  And we lucked out because our painter was available during the time we had booked our … Keep Reading…

Yesterday.  January 6, 2021

It began as normal with coffee and reading the news.  We had planned to golf.  With the Georgia election the day before there was plenty to read.  And then we decided to turn on the TV to see if the … Keep Reading…

High on the Hog

Well, here we are.  One day before the election of our lives.   So, what am I doing? Thinking about pork.  We love pork although, we feel guilt when we eat it.  We feel sorry for the pig.  We feel … Keep Reading…