If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll wind up somewhere else…
This is an old Yogi Berra quote but it fits the bill. Today we go into the airport…again. This time we’re armed with knowledge and hopefully we’ll end up at the airport. I’ll be back at you later. Oh, one last thing. They may, just may, offer a bachelor’s degree in public transit. The system is so big they publish books on it, schedule books. http://CityRail.com It is extremely user friendly though. It’s like BART but more personal. Agents are extremely approachable and they know their stuff. The trains run on time. There are basically two directions. In and Out. In goes to downtown and out goes to the burbs. You can see their english roots…mind your step, mind the gap signs are everywhere. It is clean as a whistle. You do, however, see lots of tagging on the walls that line the train tracks as you pass by certain areas. Taggers seem to be universal. All and all it is a superior way to get around.
So, what happened today? Well, we got up early and went directly to the airport with our new-found knowledge. We arrived about 8:15 a.m. Bernie’s plane arrived at 7:20 but he had to go thru customs so we figured we didn’t have to get there too early. While we were waiting we got to talking to this AU man who was waiting for his granddaughter and daughter to arrive. I asked him about a visit to the outback. He said, “Well, I’m an Australian that doesn’t want to see Australia. Too many bugs, too dusty, too hot. No, I rather stay here than go there.” He went on to say that the parking rates were criminal, Perth was more expensive than London and he really preferred cruising because, “I only have to unpack once.” He was a kick. We had a great time visiting until his relatives arrived. And we kept on waiting. And waiting. Where in the world was Bernie?
Ray decided to ask the man at the Help Desk for, well, help. How long does it take to get thru customs this time of the day? Stuff like that. That went no where. So, Ray went to the airline. The airline wouldn’t tell him anything. In the meantime, I was sitting near the exit from Customs watching for Bernie. A friendly young woman with a 4-year old struck up a conversation with me. In the meantime, I could not help but notice that all the people that had been standing around waiting while we were standing around waiting…were GONE.
I should have preferenced my remarks by saying that Bernie was traveling stand-by as he works for an airline in Virginia. So…there was the possibility that he didn’t get on a flight. Our phone doesn’t work here so he couldn’t call. However, I had checked our email before we left the house and there was no email indicating trouble…so WHERE WAS HE?
Then it struck me like a lightening bolt…perhaps he was coming in tomorrow. You know, you do lose a day getting here and that complicates everything. When Ray arrived back from a Customs Help Desk, he announced that Customs wasn’t “holding him”. As soon as I mentioned the next day theory…Ray immediately relaxed and we exited the airport, went out to breakfast (we were starving, it was 10:00 a.m.) and returned to the house where I read an email from Bernie. “Hi, I’m in Los Angeles now and leaving at 10:30 p.m. See you tomorrow.” EEEEKKKK.
Ray at the CityRail.
Breakfast of field mushrooms, spinach, feta, pine nuts, toast and vinegar. Yummy.
After kicking ourselves in the derriere (a french term) sufficiently and adroitly avoiding casting neither criticism nor blame, we surfed the web to figure out our next move. Ray suggested a trip to Cornulla on the train. Perfect. We rode out, walked the town which was almost surrounded by water (the Tasman Sea), viewed Shark Island from afar and returned to Oatley, bought fresh salmon and Greek salad from the fishmonger whose brother-in-law lives in the U.S., a sweet potato from the vegetable stand and came home and drank heavily. And here I am blogging about it.
Moi and the Tasman Sea. Water was fairly warm. Not so cold today.
Tomorrow we get to go to the airport again. Actually, the CityRail does not go to the airport. There is another rail service that does and for that you have the opportunity to pay through the nose. So…we jumped at it. $36 for the two of us to ride into the airport from the CityRail. Did I mention that Sydney is extremely expensive. But not as bad as Perth according to our “source”. Ever so grateful that we have a place to stay and a car to drive which is essentially free. Otherwise, we’d have to mortgage the house.
Ray on the veranda at sunset.
We’re Lagged
G’day Mates,
Went to bed early, exhausted. Woke up early. Ray got up at 3 a.m. and I got up at 4 something. Watched the sun come up. It rises in the east. That’s a relief. I mean, we are down under!! And the house faces Antartica. Good to know your orientation.
We’re going to go out and about today. Will check in later after our adventures. But first, the headlines. Copy and past into your web browser.
Well, then.
It’s 6:30 p.m. and we just dragged our sorry _sses into the house. We’ve been gone all day. And what an adventure it was. We headed out this a.m. to drive to the airport because Ray’s cousin, Bernie, is arriving tomorrow and we’re picking him at the airport. So…a dry run was in order. But we had other things to do as well. I read that the Australian Post gave the best deals in converting U.S. dollars to Australian dollars. So, we looked up the local post and armed ourselves with the address and off we went. Opps. We forgot our airlines tickets and the reason we wanted to take them was that we wanted to see if we could modify our flight home…so we turned back and got our tickets. THEN we headed out.
Driving on the wrong side of the road is quite a challenge…especially for the passenger. Ray described the experience as, “I feel like I’m riding in the sidecar of a motorcycle.” Well, I wouldn’t know since I was driving…Ray has the knack for reading maps so I drove. Well, for you that know Ray, you know this did not go well. He kept telling me to hug the center of the road…he thought I was driving too close to the curbs. And I felt like the middle of the road was inviting a head on. Oh, dear. It wasn’t pretty. And admittedly, I wasn’t empathizing since I had no earthly idea what he was experiencing and i was busy trying to remember to be on the wrong side of the road, to stop signalling with my windshield wipers, and to figure out who in the world had the right-away. It’s not easy being me and it is definitely not easy being me on the wrong side of the road.
But, I digress. We eventually made it to the airport after several detours, but, hey, we saw things we wouldn’t have seen otherwise. We parked the car in the car park and headed into the terminal. It turned out to be a very good idea…the dry run idea. While looking for the proper place to find out that we couldn’t change our tickets, I noticed a group of really tall young men. So I approached them and asked them if they were members of a basketball team. Bingo or duh, choose one. They were members of the national team of New Zealand. They really were tall. And white. I asked them if they were going to the rugby matches (world cup is happening in NZ as we speak). They said, “no, we’re basketball players”. I said, “just thought you might go to a game.” One of the guys said, “no, we do everything to avoid those games.” Uhmmmmm.
Then we engaged a man at the train booth and found that we could get all kinds of places sans auto if we just purchased a pass for the public transit. This was a relief. We could avoid divorce after all.
As we left the car park, Ray gave me a $10 AU. The lady in the booth announced the way out would cost us a crisp $15 AU. We were only there an hour. OMG. A rail pass was in our future.
The great thing about a pass was that it allows us to ride not just the rails, but the buses and boats. So, we bought a pass. $57 AU each for 1 week. Good enough. We could stay out of the car and avoid wearing out the windshield wipers of the Echo we are driving!!
We found a nearby train station near our house, parked the car and headed into Sydney. When we emerged from the underground, we were right downtown. OMG. The opera house. The Sydney bridge. It was all there. But I was too hungry to dwell on the it. We found a small french pastisirrie (spelling is suspect) and had lunch. Then we headed out to see the sights. I grabbed the camera and there was no lens cap. This could not stand so off we were to find camera shop which we did and Manny, the guy on duty, helped us find a lens cap as well as cord that attached so if the cap fell, it would not be lost. Yippee.
Then we jumped on a ferry and sailed pass the Sydney Opera house as we visitd with a young Chinaman who now lives in Melbourne, speaks perfect english, has a legal residency in AU and will return to China in a year or two. He’s been here just 4 years. And he was estatic to be in Sydney on this beautiful day. He had perfect teeth and a fab personality. Oh, and he really, really wanted to visit the U.S. That’s him to my left. Actually. That’s him. It’s just him and me. Oh, and did you notice the Opera House??? It wasn’t that cold in the sun. I just had all these clothes on and didn’t want to take them off because I’d have to carry them anyway.
But I digress. We disembarked at Darling Harbor and walked and walked. Finally, I cried uncle. We paid $5 each to ride a monorail (not a muni item) to cross the harbor and walk a block to the muni system. We caught a train and began our migration back to Oatley, our current neighborhood.
We were exhausted. It was after 5 p.m. when we arrived at Mortdale station, hear Oatley, got in the car and drove to Oatley to look for a bar for a drink. Every bone in our bodies ached. Boy, did I feel my age. But, what the heck. It was good exercise, beautiful sights and, did I mention, a good reason for a gin martini? However, we could not find a bar so we bought a bottle of gin, went to the market, got some food to cook (restaurants in Oatley are closed on Monday) and headed home.
And here we sit watching a documentary on whales. And oh, the moon. It is full and fabulous tonight.
Did you know that the Wright male whales have the biggest testicles on the planet? Quite a program on whales. Speaking of testicles. I shot this picture in downtown Sydney.
The Australians are wonderful. The city is clean as a houndstooth. And I’m already to go to the outback. I think I would really like it. Just have to convince Mr. J.
Time to turn in. We need to be at the airport at 7:30 to meet Bernie. And we’re taking the train!!
Some other pictures:
We’re not here anymore… we are almost in Syndey!
We are jetting over the Pacific in a huge plane that hold 450 passengers and 22 crew. It’s am A380-800 airbus. Never did see it from outside. We walked through some tunnels and we were magically on board. Looking out my window I see our side of the ship as 4 monsterous engines. Glad about that. And did I mention the loos are just own the hall a few from our economy premiere seats. You get more legroom, the seat goes back a bit more and it’s tolerable though expensive. But considering this trip is 15 hours and that’s equivilent of flying from LAX to Wash, D,C. and back again and then back again…without stopping it is really a long fight. And then there was getting to the flight.
We arose at 6:30 to get ready to leave on our adventure. Much to do at the last minute. At 10:30ish we drove to Avis to get a rental car. Decidedly cheaper to rent a car at each end so we can keep our cars at home for our Australian guests! Then we pushed back from the gate (our garage) around noon headed for LAX.
Had to stop in Santa Barbara to return a bowl to the house rental agency, I inadvertantly took one of their bowls home and so I needed to retun it. We exited the freeway in Santa Barbara and the phone rang. It was a friend suggesting a beer. What were the chances he’d call just as we are desparately seeking the address. Had to cut that conversation short because I had to jump out to return the bowl and Ray was calling so could not talk. As I walked to the front of the buidling, a woman in a gray car at the curb said, “”I’m having trouble finding a parking space. I’ll be right back”. I asked her id she knew me? She said, “well, aren’t you here for the counseling today?” I assured her I might need it but didn’t have any plans for counseling. Too funny.
Then we jetted down to LAX, had dinner at Rock ‘N Fish in Manhatten Beach and then headed to the airport where we hung out til fight time. Oh, the only thing that went wrong is that I did not remember to get the charger for the iphone out of the car. EEEEEEKKKKKKKK. Ray had a mild meltdown. I suggested he just shoot me. That didn’t happen. So I got on the phone and the internet and tried to reach someone, anyone that could help. What a joke. After about 30 minutes I did find a website where I could post my info. I think we can safely say that charger will never been seen again. Of course, I hope I’m wrong.
We boarded the plane, It was busy as LAX for there we sat for the best part of an hour and then took off about 11:20 p.m. We had our own screens, so I decided to watch Bridesmaids. Ray kept telling me to “ssssshhhhhh’. It was laugh-out-loud funny. Had some dessert and wine and an ambien. Went to sleep about 2 a.m PST. Woke up at who knows what time. It was about 2 more hours today and breakfast to eat. That was one quick flight. And Qantas is fabulous!!! Food and drink were yummy.
Oh, and did I mention when we checked in for our flight, the woman behind the counter asked if we had our visas. We handed her our credit card. No, she said, an official travel visa. Opps. We didn’t know we needed one. OMG. Well, not to worry, for $25/person, we got visas to visit Australia for 1 year. More to come.
The Neighbor has a Lift
Here at last…OMG we’re here at last!! The house is fabulous as is the location and it’s a sunny, bright day with some breeze and clouds. A bit on the cool side but we’re no stranger to that.
We arrived in one piece and scurried to the customs line. Everone was there. Took a long time. Went out and got in queue for a taxi. The taxi driver was not to talkative. As in, he didn’t talk. He drove and he drove us straight to our exchange home with the use of a Tom Tom. We are more than happy to arrive. The house is wonderful. I’d post pictures but the owner’s might not appreciate that so let me just describe a few things. There are windows everywhere that let a view of the inlet off Botany Bay been seen. It is lovely. Lots of trees, eucalyptus among others moving witht he breeze. There are home facing us from across the inlet and many boats on the water. There is a cocatooish bird next door (wild but seemingly tame) that comes and goes. The neighbor on the other side has a lift.
And I spied him in it below his house (did I mention we are above the water considerably) and he was pruning bushes as he leaned out of it. Quite an ingenious contraption. There is a deck that stretches across the entire front of the house. The living room and kitchen are on the middle level. Bedrooms are half a floor up. Lower level bed, bath, game room, laundry. Half a flight separates the floors. Wood floors and rile grace the floors. The windows (globs of them) are so clean. Very impressive!! Oh, and their asian art is both interesting and beautiful.
So, here I sit blogging in the living room and watching the boat traffic. Ray, is reaing the Sunday paper. It must be a Murdoch paper, the Sunday Telegraph. Big article in today’s paper. ” A jobs boom across the bush”. Who knew? It showed that there are 6600 job openings in New South Wales. Also, in Dubbo (must be in the bush), the average house price is $252K. Contrast that with Sydney which has an average house price of $639,484 (Australian dollars which are worth more than the U.S. dollar). Last nite at LAX, we tendered up $202 u.s. for $165 au. So…Australia is a happening place with what I assume is low umemployment. However, now I’m reading that people in Sydney of the 250,000 properties sold in the last three years, 15,500 went for less than the owners paid. On average, they lost $52,000. Ouch. Must have been affected by toxic assets from the U.S.? I wonder but don’t know.
But I digress. On to sports. It’s the rudgy world cup in New Zealand (NZ). I’s an interesting game. The guys play without paddings. The guys wear tight shorts .Kicking is allowed. Long socks grace their skinny lets. Ray just killed a very big fly. Opps, the game is back and I can’t figure it out. Man these guys have some thighs. They can’t tackle but they can throw the opponent to the ground…but the ball stays with the downed player’s side. Guess i need to learn about this game. It’s very interesting and not violent.
Below is a view from the deck looking east.
The house to our east has a friendly wild bird that visits.
See the moon?
Regarding Food in Australia
We’ve not even lifted off and yet…mentally perhaps we have. So, this a.m. I do as I usually do, I sit down with a cup of joe to read the newspaper. This involves the computer. Reading the New York Times is my favorite thing to do first thing…on the computer. It arrives in my mailbox around 1:52 a.m. every day. Of course, I’m not up then. But when I do manage to drag myself upstairs from my beaudoir, it’s there for the reading.
But, I digress. So, along with NYTimes this morning, I received an email from Donna Hay. And not just any Donna Hay. The Donna Hay. She is the editor of her own cooking magazine in Australia. Think of her as the Martha Stewart (absent the jail time) of down under. I’m familiar with her because I saw her magazine at the 3rd St. Bakery in Los Osos a few years ago as I was standing in line waiting to buy that croissant that was beckoning me to eat it. Yummmm. Click on the link below and check out what I found in that email. And then don’t forget to return to this blog for my follow up.
http://look at this.com
Okay, wasn’t that a stitch? I mean really. They are so far away from us or we are so far away from them that they have their own english language. I mean, how fun is that? Which led me to the thought that Ray and I should have studied Australian before the big trip. Anyway. More to come. Oh, one more thing.
This is a picture of my favorite Mexican dish which can be had by traveling to Santa Barbara and waiting in line to order as your mouth starts to water because you know how good it is going to be. Notice the fine plastic utensils and the styro plate. La Super-Rica on Milpas. No spatchcock and mash here!!
Ole Boring New Zealand
So, today we received an email which bares bad news. Looks like we are going to be a bit bored in New Zealand. They specifically singled us out and sent us this news. Click on the link.
Looks boring, doesn’t it??? Oh, what will be able to do? Actually, most of the stuff happens just before we get there. I am very impressed with efforts. Looks like a happening place afterall!!
Stayed tuned.
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