A Day of Rest

Try as I might, I can’t figure out how to get the whole picture on this page.  It was an impressive statue at the Mont.  Forgot to include it earlier.  It was one of the few statues at the Mont. … Keep Reading…

Mont. St. Michel

Where should I start?  At the beginning, the middle or the end?  I think the gin martini, the verre de vin blanc, and jug of verre de vin rouge is clouding my brain.  Think I’ll recite today’s travels manana (tomorrow) … Keep Reading…

Just Wondering (rhetorically)

We’ve been in France long enough now that we are just wondering… Why haven’t we smelled skunks? Why haven’t we seen any road kill? The french love pigeons…they eat them, they keep them as pets, they used to use them … Keep Reading…

Catching Up

Her she is, Diana of the Hunt.  One of the many reditions.  This one resides at a chateau on the Cher river in the Loire valley.  She adorns a bedroom wall.  In another part of the chateau fabulous copper pans … Keep Reading…

We’re finally on vacation

We slept in today.  Why do I feel guilty?  Perhaps it’s because I’m not doing much today, Sunday, our day of rest.  It feels different.  You know, at home, we would having a dinner party, playing golf, dashing here and … Keep Reading…