posts from category: At Home

Our Merry-Go-Round Life

We made it back from our desert sojourn last Friday afternoon.  So glad to be out from behind that sound wall, I’ll tell ya.   And I’ve been on a merry-go-round ever since.  Does your life go like that every … Keep Reading…

Nothing in Particular

Oh, what a year.  It’s the year of cancelled plans.  Never before have we had so many plans that did not pan out.  Biorhythms on the fritz?  Stars not aligned?  What gives? And then there is the question of why … Keep Reading…

Of Birthdays and Phyllo

When you reach a certain age, birthdays take on new meaning.  I think I speak for all of us when I say that as you get older, the birthdays come more frequently, so to speak.  “Seems like I just turned … Keep Reading…

Ringing in January

Well, I’ve done it again.  Another mistake.  Will they not stop coming…the mistakes?  Or should I term it “an error in judgment”?  Or “a screw up”?  Probably it fits into the category of “what the hell was I thinking”?  At … Keep Reading…

The Taxman Cometh….Not

Before I go off to get dinner ready, I must record our crazy day.    The picture above was snapped last weekend in Yosemite and has no bearing whatsoever to the events described below.  Just wanted to share Yosemite Falls … Keep Reading…

Now Hear This. I’m Published!!

  A photo of teeth and trees.     A miracle occurred today.  Happily.  The stars aligned themselves in such a way as to make this happen.  Or did they?  Doesn’t matter.  It happened and I could not be happier. … Keep Reading…