My heaven’s
The mystery has been solved. But I’m not going to tell the dear reader what the answer was because I have other information to impart.
Currently, I am sitting in The Dog House which is currently located in the Fruta Historical campground within the National Park of Capitol Reef. And the Rayman has turned on the generator because there is no electricity here. No sewer. No water. We are off the grid in more ways than one. Boon docking.
I think I can confidently report that this is driving the Rayman crazy. He is nervous that we are going to freeze to death and we won’t be able to see anything once the sun sets. And not necessarily in that order. The mountains outside the park which are higher than those inside the park are laced with snow from the front that moved through here yesterday and today. Currently, the sky above us blue. However, wait 15 minutes and that might change. It doesn’t seem as cold to us as yesterday at this time which is 7 p.m.
But I digress.
We buttoned up early and left Cannonville and drove a circuitous route to Capitol Reef. What a stunner of a park. First named a national monument, it later became a full fledged National Park and we can see why. And unlike any other park we have visited, it has it’s own orchard. And a river runs through it. Lovely. Cottonwood trees grace the park and it looks like it is snowing because the breeze is carrying the pollen balls from these trees all around the campground. It is springtime after all.
Rayman worries about the gray water. The fresh water. The battery. He’s very busy right now fussing about the batteries and running in and out of the Dog House. Beau is trying to stay out of his way. Never get in the way of a man on a mission.
When the sun sets, we are hitting the hay and getting up with the sun to take the scenic drive which we took this afternoon after we arrived. There were dark clouds in the sky so the photo ops weren’t as good as they could have been. We hoping for sun to shine on the huge cliffs that surround us. Huge red cliffs. For miles and miles.
At the risk of repeating myself, if you have not visited the national parks of Utah, you must do it. Put it on your bucket list and just do it. There are tour buses if you don’t want to drive. There is lodging at every park, on the outskirts.
So, I’ll let the pictures do the talking here.

This is the only picture taken north east of the park on highway 24. Great road. Two lanes. Hardly any traffic.
The mystery that has been solved is this. Which park is my favorite? The last one I visited. They are all beautiful and I cannot for the life of me pick a favorite. So, tonight, my favorite park in Capitol Reef.
Tomorrow will be a travel day again except that no national parks are on our agenda. We are going to drive until we get tired of driving. And then we will find a place and park it. Then on Thursday, we will likely continue east to Denver. Friends await us. And we will celebrate being on the other side of the giant Rockies. Yahoo.
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