California here we come

Well, that was it.  We flew home yesterday as the weather went crazy.   Extreme perhaps.  I was scared.  But we made it out alive, I’m happy to report.

The game plan was interrupted because of the weather.  We were late taking off and so missed our connection in Phoenix.  Southwest was going to route us to San Diego and then to San Jose.  Susie and I had a different idea.  When we arrived in Phoenix, we persuaded them to put us on a flight to San Francisco and it left almost immediately.  The only problem was that our suitcases were not rerouted.

That necessitated us going to the San Jose airport last night to pick them up.  Oh, well.

I fell asleep on the couch watching Sherlock Holmes on the new Masterpiece.  It was good…really.  I was just dog tired.

Go up this a.m. and came home.  Oh, home sweet home!!

One last story.  Above, you see a picture of the pit master at the Loveless Cafe.  He let us come into his workplace and he showed us the pork that he had smoking.  He had never heard of Santa Maria barbecue.  So, I’m going to send him something to introduce him to it.  Of course, he will not steal the idea.  Hickory is indigenous to Tennessee and that is the wood of choice for smoking.  Still, it was fun to get to talk with him about food.  He also made the house meatloaf.  Said he didn’t have to go to the gym.  Slinging pounds and pounds of meat around provided all the exercise he needed, thank you very much.

Oh, and when I ate at Puckett’s the day before, I ordered a piece of chess pie, a southern favorite.  So sweet it made my teeth ache.  But it was good.

So that’s the deal.  Had a great time and glad to be home!!



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