Our Life at Home

We played golf today.  It was warm and beautiful.  Heading home we stopped b the grocery store to buy some yogurt, bananas, fennel (for a pasta dish we were making for dinner) and boxed wine (feeling a bit overextended from xmas!)

Got home, cleaned up and I took a nap while Ray did his number puzzle.  Then we started dinner.  He got out the pine nuts, I measured the raisins and then I went to cut the fennel.  Horror of horrors.  I mistakenly bought leeks.  Eeekkkk, it a leek!!

Looked in my cookbook and found a recipe using leeks that required things we had on hand so that was good.  But how in the world does one buy leeks when they are shopping for fennel?  and not know it until it’s time to use it?  Oh, I worry about myself!!

But I digress.  The recipe called for white wine.  All the white wine was down two floors.  Ray went to get it.  I found some cheese (I needed Parmigiana).  I grated it.  As I was grating, Ray came trudging up the stairs and announced that the wine closet was locked.  So he had to come all the way up to get the key and head back down again.  Which he did while mumbling.  The recipe called for parsley.  We had dead and dying parsley in the refrig but Ray rescued enough for our dish.  We needed penne.  No penne.  However, there were shells.  We used shells.  The cheese I grated didn’t taste like the right kind.  Ray found a block of the right kind.  More cheese got grated.  The recipe called for 1/2 cup wine but we were making only a half recipe.  He poured 1/2 instead of 1/4.  When I mentioned it, he said, just throw it away.  I objected.  Two hours after dinner, I think it is still sitting there (the unused portion).   Despite our efforts, dinner was ready.  We each at a bowl.  Ray went back for more.  I had forgotten to turn off the heat.  So, it had developed a “crust”.  However, it wasn’t burnt and the extra “cooking” may have enhanced it (or not).

So, that was our making of the dinner.  What a hoot!!


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