One of the things this traveling group does as a matter of course is cook for each other. So…for the week we are here, each couple is responsible for cooking dinner once. This is figured out in advance. Each couple decides what they will cook. In this case, couple number one did ribs. Couple number two did lamb chops. Couple number three did clam pasta, couple number four did salmon. All very tidy. The other thing is that dessert is always included on the menu. We might not have salad, or a veggie, but we always have a main course and dessert and wine. On this we do not waver.
So, the first night we had peach ice cream with blueberries. Yum. The second night we had fudgesicles. Fudgesicles? What was that all about. They were 40 calories. No respectable dessert has just 40 calories. For heaven’s sake. There was a hue and a cry emanating from the condo. It should be noted, however, that everyone ate their fudgesicles. Whining ensued between bites off the fudgesicle. Now, as a person that fancies herself a gourmet cook, I have to mention that the fudgesicle was not the fudgesicle of old. When I was a kid, fudgesicles were acquired from the man in the truck which announced it’s arrival to the neighborhood with “that song”. Parents probably cringed when they heard it because that is when the begging started. “Oh, please. It only costs 10 cents.”, I would implore.
But I digress. Fudgesicles used to be big. These fudgesicles that were offered as dessert lacked heft. They were shaped like a hotdog weenie. And that’s a NICE description. A skinny hotdog weenie at that. So, the teasing came easy and often. And it gave the over-wined group a reason to hoot and holler. After this went on for some time, the “cooks” repaired to the kitchen refrigerator and came out with frozen Reese’s peanut butter ice cream cups. These were gobbled up with great fanfare and then it was announced that each cup held 380 calories. OMG. Luckily most cups were split since there were only 6 cups in the package. And dinner was concluded.
Fast forward to yesterday. It was the Rayman and mine turn to cook. Our plan was to barbecue lamb chops. Only when we returned from golf, we found the two barbecues torn apart and on the ground. Tom tried to get the management to fix them…at least one…to no avail. So broiled lamb chops it would be. But what about dessert? Well. We had that covered. We planned to serve cupcakes from a bakery because we didn’t want to buy flour and sugar for one little dessert. So the Rayman located a bakery on the iPhone and we arrived at the French Bakery which had cupcakes. On the way to the bakery, we laughed about the fudgesicles all over again. What could we serve that would fit under the low bar that had been set? Tootsie rolls, it was decided. But that was a fantasy because we were not going to buy a bag of tootsie rolls just to get tootsie rolls. Well, in the French Bakery I noticed a jar of candies used as kiddie treats behind the counter. And in that jar were some tootsie rolls. So…I asked if we could buy 8 of them!! The nice woman gave us the 8 tootsie rolls.
We enjoyed lamb chops, Greek salad, string beans with butter and garlic, couscous with lemon juice, eVOO, garlic, and mint. And we served one tiny tootsie roll on a dessert plate to the hoops and howls of our fudgesicle serving friends. Too funny. And as we served the tootsie rolls…Michele said, “I thought you were going to serve cupcakes.” Busted. How did she remember that? And then we served the cupcakes.
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