Sailing, Snorkeling and Stuff

Picture of Tom off the stern, in the water…before dinner.

Our friends arrived on three different times on three different planes.  And we immediately went to a restaurant and had sangria and tapas.

The Hotel Contento in Old San Juan is very pretty and quite expensive. What could possibly go wrong?  Well, it starts when we get into the room and turn off the air and threw open the french windows.  When we returned from dinner (another story), we had wet floors and a wet ceiling.  Ray and I had words as I am the one with the inability to sleep with air on.  Well, ours clothes that were sitting around were soaked.  Drops of water were falling from the ceiling onto the furniture, us, everything.  I’ll be writing a letter to the hotel when I get back.  There were no warnings posted re: things not to do.  Of course I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to observe Ray snapping a towel toward the ceiling while jumping on the bed (did I mention the ceilings were high?) with nothing on but a t-shirt!!  No pictures here.  However in retrospect. it was funny.

The next morning (Monday), we caught a flight to Tortola, British Virgin Islands (aka West Indies).    As soon as we landed and cleared customs, we had to get to our boat.  Then three of us went provisions shopping and emerged from the grocery stores about $800 lighter.  Since we are sailing for 12 days, there was much food needed.  Back to the boat and then we set out into the Caribbean to our first stop at the Bight by Norman Island.   We had drinks and appetizers before I radioed the restaurant, Willie T’s, and secured a reservation.  “Willie T, Willie T, this is Caty Wampus.  Over”.  When Willie T called back I asked him if they delivered pizza.  Got a chuckle out of him.  “Nope.”  Well then I made our reservations and off we went in the dinghy to Willie T’s.  Great food, great atmosphere.  Barely busy.  Fable has it that if you jump off the deck of the restaurant nude, they will give you a free t-shirt.  No one jumped.  When we got back to the boat, we all went to the bow and laid under a star-filled sky and marveled at it all.  Then to bed.  Long, long day.  Looked forward to today (Tuesday).

Besides the pictures of us, there is a photo of our sunset and a picture os our first snorkeling adventure.  Saw lots of fish today but I don’t have an underwater camera so I can’t show you.  Oh, well, tomorrow is another day!!

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