Dear friends and fandom readers,
It is a new year. And my computer is driving me nuts on many levels. Let me count the ways.
- Junk mail. I have spent hours and hours removing emails from my junk mail folder and my regular email account (supposedly not junk). This feels like shoveling shit against the tide if you will please pardon the expression. First, I reviewed 2400 emails in my junk folder and eliminated all but 39. This is outrageous. How did my file get so big? I was busy moving and living and breathing. It has been two days. So I went into my junk file today and discovered a total of 70. They multiply like rabbits. So this begged the question, what can I do about this issue? I went to the google machine and asked the question and I got no satisfaction.
- Regular email. It is a mess too largely because I shop on line. Order something from a place and it guarantees that you will forever and day receive emails from the business and I guesstimate that the email goes either to junk or to the regular email depending on god knows what. I subscribe to newspapers and magazines digitally. This saves trees. I like the notion of tree saving. What I don’t like is that there is not a sure-fire way of blocking emails I don’t want to see. I have figured out that if I search for, say, the NYTimes, all the NYTimes emails pop up and then I select them all and hit delete. But how to prevent them from invading my space in the first place is an unresolved issue in my mind. Does anyone have a solution for this problem?
- While authoring this epistle, Sue, my cousin, called. She wanted to stop by because she is having computer problems.
- ESP?
- Her issue was that she was trained on how to buy a Kindle book on Amazon. Now she can’t. I tried. I could’t find my own Kindle book, From Beloit to Clark Gable in Three Generations. Where the heck did it go? File this under changes that are made by the powers that be without sufficient information to users on how to navigate the new system.
At this point in my life, I am sick of dealing with this IT problem. I am an woman of a certain age living in an apartment trying to live happily. This doesn’t work for me. Am I the only one? Or are Sue and I the only two?
It appears to me that there is not a satisfactory answer to the email issue. Imagine that. Emails are forms of communication that cause angst and annoyance. Were they and are they now purposely trying to drive us crazy? One wonders. Perhaps the solution is to stop using email. Pick up the phone. Text a message. While ruminating over this prospect, it occurs to me that we need a new system. A new law. Oh, hell, that ship has sailed. Pretty sure that the billionaires are never going to allow competition in this regard. Anti-trust is deader than a doornail. Big business runs our lives by squelching competition and this is a result. With Trump and his acolytes in for four more years, there will be no solution to one of life’s vexing problems.
And in case you think that all I need is a app to take care of all this…well, no. I stopped paying for apps that are rumored to do this and nothing changed. The amount neither increased or decreased. There is no discernible difference pre-apps v. Post apps.
In discussing this over pizza and caesar salads last evening, we discussed a class action suit. Well, the Republicans have been hot on the trail to rid themselves and their benefactors of the ability for common folks displeased with circumstances to file such a suit. As far as I know, and I haven’t researched it yet, class action lawsuits are either an endangered species or a quaint notion of days gone by. If you know differently, please clue me in.
I have an idea. I’m going to send this blog to my elected U.S. Senators here in Oregon. Perhaps they have the power to at least write a bill and then campaign on it because I think this is a winning campaign issue. Who amongst us is not completely fed up with “big data”?
So there.
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