Roasted Chicken

Roasted chicken is a great dinner.  Easy.  Really easy.  I bought an organic, free range, no antibiotic chicken from the local organic store.  Came home, rinsed it.  Salted it.  Stuck it uncovered in the frig.  This dries out the skin and it ends up crispier.  Just before going into the oven, I punctured two small Meyer lemons and stuck them in the bird, put some fresh ground pepper on it and rubbed it with EVOO.  Stuck it in the convection oven at 400.  It’s been about 50 minutes and it is about done.

Served it with baked yam fries and peas.  The house smelled great and all is well with the work!!

P.s.  The picture was not of a roasted chicken in my kitchen.  This is a picture of rotisserie chicks in Arls, France (at their farmer’s market!!)

It has been raining for days.  Grey skies, heavy wind.  Just wants to make you cook comfort food.

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